Symfony2 - Load different templates based on user agent

If you want to load different templates for different user agents while keeping the same backend code base, you can accomplish this simply in 2 ways.

1. Responsive Template
2. Load different templates against user agents.

In this blog post I’m trying to demonstrate the option 2 (load different templates against user agents)

The trick is to use RequestFormat in Symfony

  1. Create a Request Listener

         php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Acme/RequestListenerBundle --format=yml

    Note: You don’t need Controller or Tests directories

    Past the below code to AcmeRequestListnerBundle.php

             namespace Acme\RequestListenerBundle;
             use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface;
             use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseEvent;
             class AcmeRequestListenerBundle
                 public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
                     $request = $event->getRequest();
                         up\.link|vodafone|wap|webos|wireless|xda|xoom|zte)/i', $request->headers->get('user-agent')
                         $request->setRequestFormat('mobile', 'text/html');
                     }else {
                         $request->setRequestFormat('html', 'text/html');
                 private function setFormat (\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request, $format='html')
                     $request->setRequestFormat($format, 'text/html');
  2. Create a test action in your controller
    • Action Method

            * @Route("/test", name="_demo_test")
            * @Template()
            public function testAction()
                return array(
                    'name' => 'Thilanga Pitigala',
    • Run and Verify the route

            php app/console router:debug | grep _demo_test
    • Template

      Create the template for newly created action Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/views/Demo/test.html.twig

                {% extends "AcmeDemoBundle::layout.html.twig" %}
                    {% block title "Hello " %}
                    {% block content %}
                    Hello Desktop !
                {% endblock %}
  3. Create a Service using RequestListener Add below code to config.yml

         services: acme.listener.request:
         class: Acme\RequestListenerBundle\AcmeRequestListenerBundle
         tags: - {
                 name: kernel.event_listener,
                 event: kernel.request,
                 method: onKernelRequest
    • Run

            php app/console container:debug | grep acme.listener.request

      and That will output the newly created service

  4. Test RequestListener service Try visiting the web applications from mobile device. It will throw an error complaining about missing file.

    Create the file in Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/views/Demo/test.html.twig as we created the test.html.twig template. Now you will be able to see the mobile template from mobile devices while desktop template load for desktop agents.

    By that way we can load different templates for different agents without doing any responsive templates.

Happy Coding..

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