Adding Observers to Magento Events
13 Aug 2014- To write an Observer you need minimum of 2 files
etc/config.xml (Details about the EVENT_TO_HOOK and the area [frontend adminhtml]) -
Model/Observer.php (Your php code goes here)
- Find the event you want
Remove an action from Mass Action list in admin (Order list page)
<adminhtml> <!-- Area -->
<adminhtml_block_html_before> <!-- EVENT_TO_HOOK you want to bind with -->
<adminhtml_block_html_before> <!-- Your unique tag name -->
<class>Acme_Adminhtml_Model_observer</class> <!-- Your custom Observer -->
<method>removeMassAction</method> <!--Method you want to trigger -->
class Acme_Adminhtml_Model_Observer extends Varien_Object
public function removeMassAction($event) {
$block = $event->getBlock();
if ($block instanceof Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Massaction) {
return $this;